Slender man

When I was at the age of 6 Me and my brother went to spend a week a my grandmothers house up state New York I would go outside and play in the woods behind her house I always knew not to talk to strangers but I meet I man... He was tall and wore a suit his voice was gentle and welcoming trusting him  we walked together in the woods he told me many things most I can't remember..... But as the day came and went it was time for me to go back to the house he showed me one last thing before I left him it was some sort of picture... A ritual maybe but if I EVER needed him to do what he showed me when I got back more time had gone by than expected what was a few hours to me was a full day to everyone else at the house when she asked where I had gone I told her like any good child would.... I got yelled at and was told to stay in the house until it was time for me and my brother to go home this may have been a long time ago but I will never forget the man in the woods with no face....I need know life has been flipped up side down . I get constant nose bleeds, headaches , and off and on feelings of being sick vomiting , fever , and stomach pains....I know it's HIM I just have to figure out why...why  I'll up date as soon as i can....this is only the beginning im scared